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How to carry out alloying operation in vacuum induction melting furnace?

Time:2021-03-09   Nums:3212

How to carry out alloying operation in vacuum induction melting furnace?

The operation points of adding oxidizable elements into molten steel during alloying are as follows.

(1) Adding conditions of oxidizable elements

The following conditions should be met before adding oxidizable elements to liquid steel.

1. Argon pressure in induction furnace. Before adding Al, Mn, Ba, Ca and Mg to the molten steel, a high vacuum should be maintained in the furnace. Before adding, the furnace vacuum valve should be closed and argon gas with a certain pressure should be filled to reduce the volatilization loss of added elements.

2. Adding temperature. Before adding, the power should be cut off to reduce the temperature of liquid steel to about 30-50 degrees above the alloy liquid phase point, and the liquid surface presents conjunctiva.

(2) Addition sequence of oxidizable elements

First, aluminum, titanium, vanadium, zirconium, manganese and other elements are added. After the melting is uniform, the temperature is raised and the sample is taken. Then, boron, cerium, barium, calcium, magnesium and other elements are added.

Aluminum, titanium and other elements should be added in each batch.

(3) Homogenization operation of electromagnetic stirring

After each addition of alloying elements, the high-power or start-up electromagnetic stirrer is used to stir the liquid steel to speed up the uniform distribution of alloying elements. The stirring time depends on the amount of addition and the capacity of the furnace, usually in 1-5min.

The above is the whole operation content of adding oxidizable elements to molten steel during alloying period.

Yiphee Electric Furnace Co.,Ltd specializes in producing induction furnace.Tel(WhatsApp):+86-13450756789, yiphee@yiphee.cn

induction melting furnace


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